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Capture Smart Contract Events

Tracking smart contract events is vital for interacting with decentralized applications (dApps). Whether monitoring token transfers or contract-specific events, efficient data handling is key. This guide shows how to setup a SendBlocks Function to capture and process real-time contract event log using the new SendBlocks App. The App simplifies the process of creating a data […]

SendBlocks provides Bancor real time data for users

Bancor, an OG in the space, is an ecosystem of decentralized, open-source DeFi protocols that foster on-chain trading and liquidity. As such, Bancor understands the value of connecting the community to things that matters most to them, in real time. “The DeFi space suffers from a disconnect in which users have no real time insights […]

Insights from Monad’s builders office hours towards Foundry 

We recently joined the Monad Builders Office Hours – and had a blast presenting SendBlocks! More importantly we received amazing feedback from the community: “This is blockchain data on steroids” – community member Context While in traditional web2 we have backend engineering building and accessing the backend database, in blockchain that database is, for the […]

Custom indexers made simple

With ever growing adoption, blockchains need to support more and more data. The blockchain is essentially becoming an overwhelmingly-huge  database. Making things worse, is that this huge database is optimized for security instead of usability. The blockchain becoming so cumbersome is the reason why most users reindex it for every small query. These re-indexing efforts […]

Increasing user engagement with fully customizable notifications 

TL;DR SendBlocks’ white label notifications allow you to increase user engagement, avoid spamming and enjoying fully customizable thresholds.  Connecting web2 and web3 Users receiving Daily+ push notifications had 820% higher app retention rates than users who received Zero push notifications 95% of opt-in users who don’t receive a push notification in the first 90 days […]

Why does blockchain data management fall short?

The struggle is real Traditionally, accessing and responding to on-chain data has been a cumbersome process, often requiring complex infrastructure and specialized knowledge. Developers must navigate through a maze of APIs, indexers, and custom solutions just to retrieve relevant information from the blockchain. Things we hear from blockchain devs: “I use 7 different providers to […]

Hello, World!

TL;DRWe feel it’s time to step out there and share what we are building. If you wonder why anyone would build in web3, or you’re a data geek, we’d recommend continuing. Since we’re all about collaboration, this is an open invitation to reach out: itay@sendblocks.io | michael@sendblocks.io Hi, we’re Itay and Michael, co-founders of SendBlocks. […]