The most flexible web3 notification system
you’ll never build

Demystify crypto transactions, attract new users and engage communities. All in under an hour.

Supported dApps & Blockchains

Ship your product, not notifications

  • Integration in less than an hour
  • multi chain support
  • on-chain and off-chain data enrichment
  • first month free
  • <1 sec latency
  • better UX
  • subscription based pricing

Don’t take our word for it, take theirs

Backed by the best

From DeFi to communities
ramp up your UX with notifications

Turn visitors into loyal users
with real time alerts

Turn visitors into loyal users with real time alerts

Personal notifications

completely tailored to your users’ needs, directly to the comms channel of their choice.

Provide better UX resulting in opt-in rates as high as 80%.

Hosted or white label, integration is a breeze.

Community notifications

update your community to echo
your latest news!

Enhance your social channels by live streaming updates and alerts.

No-Code capability resulting in zero development efforts.

When we say “personalized”, we mean it

All of our notifications are powered by SendBlocks Functions,
allowing simple access to complex data.